Tuesday, August 26, 2014

Gateway Ducati Owners Group August 2008 Note

Hi Folks,

Before I get into the meat of the note, a couple of changes to our regular calendar need to be pointed out.  With the proliferation of bike nights in the metro area during the first week of every month, it was decided at the August meeting that we should change our bike night to the second Tuesday of every month.  So starting in September 2014, the Gateway Ducati Owners Group bike night will be held on the second Tuesday of the month.  So the dates through the end of the year are September 9, 2014 at 6:30PM; October 14, 2014 at 6:30PM; November 11, 2014 at 6:30PM; and December 9, 2014 at 6:30PM.

So everyone knows, as of the October 14, 2014 Bike Night, I will no longer serve as President of the Gateway Ducati Owners Group.  The owners group has grown quite a bit since 10 of us met outside of my office building several years ago.  The landscape has changed quite a bit since 2008 for Ducatistas in the St Louis area.  It has improved greatly.  The support we have received from MotoEuropa has been important, valuable, and I appreciate it.  I have enjoyed the club, enjoyed the people, and enjoyed the riding.  It is time for new leadership in the club.  New ideas that can lead the club to new places, new activities, and increased growth are needed at this time.  It has been a great privilege to serve the club and its members.  If you wish to assist the club and your fellow Ducatistas in the St. Louis area, please let the club members know.

The first ride of the month had Craig McElroy and several riders joining him on a trip to Sullivan and back.  All the riders who left with Craig completed the ride in one piece.   The second ride of the month was led by Joe Henderson and was a quick trip to Potosi and back and the back roads.  The mercury was already rising during the early hours.  All riders returned to their homes safely as well.

The August bike night was held on the 5th at East Coast Pizza.  The only member to arrive on 2 wheels  was Frank Trau.  He admonished the rest of us for  not riding, and rightly so.  A new member, Robert Upton, showed up at the meeting and was greeted warmly by all of us.

Gary Kwawer
Chief Contact Person and President
Gateway Ducati Owners Group

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