Wednesday, July 9, 2014

Gateway Ducati Owners Group July 2014 Monthly Message

Hi Folks,

The weather in June improved enough for 2 rides.  The first ride was led by Vito and had several riders.  All riders returned safely.  Starting in June, we will have 2 rides per month.  The second June ride was led by me and was attended by one other rider, Ryan Hendricks.  We had a great ride to Bixby and back.

The 2nd monthly ride will be on the second Saturday of the month.  The first ride will be on the 1st Sunday of the month.  July will be the exception due to the 4th of July holiday.  In July, the first ride will be on the 13th and the second ride on the 26th.  At this time, Joe Henderson will lead the first ride. Craig McElroy will lead the 2nd ride.  The departure time will be set by the ride captain and posted on this website.  Departure times depend on temperature, threat of rain in the afternoon, and the length of the ride.

MotoGP in Indy is next month.  Steve McCaskie ( has asked that I broadcast to the group that he would like to go to the event with some of our members, as a group.  If you are interested, please email Steve directly.

For those of you who have not attended the recent bike nights and received your membership package, they will be mailed to your address of record by our treasurer, Craig McElroy.  Please be patient.

On the home page of our website I am trying something new.  In the section on the right side of the home page, in "The Next" section, I am moving the activities around so they appear in chronological order.    This will make it easier to look and see what activities are happening when.

Finally, leading rides and planning activities is open to any and all members.  If you want to ride on a weekend that is going to be nice, but no group ride is planned.  Shoot me an email with the particulars (where, when, how long) and I will post it on the site and send emails out.  All I ask is that you give all of us about 72 hours, if possible, before the starting time.

Please keep the rubber side down.

Gary Kwawer

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