Sunday, June 20, 2010

Photos from the BBQ

From last Saturday's BBQ at Motorrad:

Our youngest member Aiden Shomaker awaits his father Mark's
 arrival at the BBQ with his mother Tara.

Tuesday, June 8, 2010

GDOG BBQ at Motorrad St Louis

The 1st ever Gateway Ducati Owners Group Barbeque on Saturday, June 19, 2010 at 12:30PM. It will be held at Motoradd St. Louis as George Saunders has graciously offered to host the event at his facility. Families are welcome, but we do need to have a headcount. Vito will lead a ride earlier in the day for those who are not assisting in the preparation.

Please post an RSVP, or any question/comments you have regarding this event. Hopefully we'll see everyone there!

Monday, June 7, 2010

Ride Announced

Saturday, June 12, 2010 (rain date is June 13).  Ride led by Gary Kwawer.

7:45AM Kickstands up at the QT on Tesson Ferry, East Southwest of  of I270, just past St. Anthony's hospital.  When exiting I270 at Tesson Ferry, go towards St. Anthony's, and continue past. The QT is on the same side of the street as the hospital in the direction of Jefferson County.

Monthly Message for June 2010

June has arrived in Missouri, and with it great riding weather!

I am writing this note after getting lost on Sunday morning, June 6, 2010 for 3.5 hours on my Multistrada and consequently I am in a great mood!  The weather this weekend has been cooler than the week before, and I hope all of our members are enjoying this weather.

Sunday, June 6, 2010

New Look!

If you guys haven't noticed, the website changes discussed in the forums have taken effect.  Hopefully everyone likes the new design and layout!

New features to check out (after break):