Tuesday, March 25, 2014

Gateway Ducati Owners Group Message

Hi Folks,

March continued to be too cold for riding for most of the month.  The March Bike Night was held at Schlafly Tap Room.  We discussed the MSF Advanced Rider Course, and we began taking deposits of $69.00 for the course.   Make the checks payable to Gateway Ducati Owners Group.  We shall collect all of the checks and write one from the club account to pay for the course.  We will keep this open until May 1.  After that, if we do not get enough

Several things became apparent.  First, cold weather and an extreme eastern location reduces bike night attendance.  Second, we seem to like going places where pizza is the main entree (observed by our VP Vito Sicola).  Third, we need to ride lots more during this season.

Lets focus on the third point.  We are a motorcycle riding club, ergo, we should be riding our motorcycles.  Unfortunately, only 3 people tend to lead rides.  Joe Henderson, Vito Sicola, and me.  This puts lots of pressure on us.  We need help.  Diversification in ride leaders, ride directions, and routes can only make the owners group stronger.  Those people willing to lead rides, please advise.  I will also make certain we have at least one ride to eat ethnic food per month- a ride to eat lunch on a Saturday or Sunday.  We will use a combination of the emails and Facebook to promote rides and bike nights.  Also, you will have a 72 to 96 hour lead time for the ride.  If it rains at the time of the ride, and only at the time of the ride, then it is cancelled.

MotoGP season in the US is arriving soon.  Several members are trying to get groups together to go to Austin and Indy.  Most of these efforts begin at the bike nights, so try and attend the next one, April 1 at 6:30PM at Sugo's restaurant.  Sugo's is located west of Lindberg on Clayton Road.  The pizza is good and the location is central.  Also, our treasurer will be collected annual dues as well as checks for the MSF course.

The first GDOG group ride will be held on Sunday, April 6.  Meet at the QT on route 109 south of I-44 in Eureka at 8:30AM, leave at 9:00AM.  Joe Henderson promises a fun ride.

All of us are anxious to be back on two wheels.  Lets be safe and keep the rubber side down!

Gary Kwawer
Chief Contact Person
Gateway Ducati Owners Group

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