Sunday, December 29, 2013

Year End 2013 Message

Hi Folks,

By all accounts, 2013 was a successful year for the Gateway Ducati Owners Group.  DOC in Italy began the process of recertification in November of this year, and we are passed stage 1, and onto stage 2.  Our holiday party was successful with 22 attendees at Triumph Grill.  A good time was had by all.  The staff at Triumph Grill did an excellent job in the preparation of the meal and all of us had a great time eating, talking, and visiting.

As for the riding- Craig McElroy completed his first year of riding his Monster with over 10,000 miles ridden.  The only member of the group to so do.  My riding season was truncated due to a variety of issues, so I ended up with over 8500 miles ridden- short of my 10,000 mile goal, but the most miles I have ridden in one year.  Don Christy had an epic ride earlier this year to Utah and back, winning the award for the most miles ridden on one trip.  Our group rides continue to evolve thanks to the efforts of our Ride Captain Joe Henderson.  We shall continue to do the Scavenger Hunt, but separate it from miles ridden.  It will be a checklist, with many different items than prior years.  Most items will be able to be found within one's local area.  We also will have a total miles ridden in one year contest.  So, take a photo of the odometer on your motorcycle at the beginning of the year and send it to Joe Henderson (ride and he will enter you in the contest.  My guess is that Craig will win this one again.  Joe and I are also looking to have other riding events including a time, speed, distance rally this year as well.  Any assistance in planning or judging these events are appreciated.

On the club marketing side, Mark Shomaker has has created a new flyer for our use, and it looks good. I am waiting to receive the printed copy.  On the membership side, we have over 50 official members and several non-official members.  We are doing well compared to where we started over 5 years ago.

As I said, 2013 was a good year.  2014 promises to be filled with many more activities, and weather permitting, even greater rides than before.

Have a wonderful end of 2013 and beginning of 2014.

Gary Kwawer
Chief Contact Person and President
Gateway Ducati Owners Group

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