Sunday, September 30, 2012

September 2012 Message

September brought a welcome respite from the triple digit temperatures that hit the Gateway region over the summer.  This allowed us to have more riding days as rain was absent for much of the month.  Please read this message all they way to the end as we are changing the location of our October 2, 2012 Bike Night.

The owners group was formed in September and October 2009 by about 14 of us, many of whom are still active members.  In order to celebrate the anniversary, we are going to have our October Bike Night at East Coast Pizza in Chesterfield Valley (see below for address and link).  We decided that the ownership experience for Ducatistas in the St. Louis area needed improvement.  So, we had bike nights at various pizza restaurants monthly, spoke with each other by phone regularly, and groups of 4 to 8 of us went on rides throughout the area.  Everyone pitched in to the extent that their time, energy, and money allowed.  We were excited to build something new in the area- a functional, energetic, enjoyable experience for Ducati owners in the area.    I was elected president at that time, and have served, at the pleasure of the club members, in that position ever since.  This owners group depended on the the assistance of many people over the years, especially the following, who took on leadership roles: Chris Ryan, Rob Menendez, Vito Sicola, Mark Schomaker, Fred Hecker, Drew Bradshaw, Bob Oesch, Raymond So, Chris Cochran, and Joe Henderson.  The time involved for many of us has been significant.  My goal has always been to make the owners group a place for the members to meet with each other, ride with each other, ogle the Ducatis of other members, and form friendships with other Ducati riders.  In many ways, we have been very successful.  Our active (paid) membership, based on my recent census, numbers around 34.  Our email distribution list is larger than that, and it will be pared down in November 2012.  While some among us would like to see more people all the time, as would I, at our monthly bike nights and rides than we do, I will take what we can get.  Some bike nights we have 5 people, others 14 or more.  Some rides we have 4 people, other times we have 10 people.  Work, family, and other priorities often put motorcycle related activities on the back burner. We shall continue to be there for all of you when you are able to meet, eat, ride, and talk.  In my opinion, it is important to remember that motorcycle riding is, at its core, a solo activity.  When we hold a group ride, we are creating a group activity from a solitary one.

The month's group ride was led by Joe Henderson and the group rode fast, safe, and sanely as we went on windy roads to Gerald, MO and back.  The weather was good and the riders had a great time.  The monthly bike night was lightly attended, and we were able to meet the new management team at MotoEuropa.  Various topic were raised and discussed in an open, free-flowing forum.

Here is a list of the upcoming and on-going events for the Gateway Ducati Owners Group:

On-going:  The Scavenger Hunt- 4 weeks left.  Please email photos to Joe Henderson ( to get credit.  This is an event that members can do on their own-i.e. a solitary activity competing with the group.


October 2, 2012 6:30PM Bike Night at East Coast Pizza in Chesterfield Valley:

 7304 Chesterfield Airport Road  Chesterfield, MO 63005 (636) 536-7888 (

Please note the change of location for this event.  This is the 3rd anniversary of the founding of our owners group.  As of now the weather looks great.  Please ride your Ducati to the event if you so desire, and join us for some Ducati viewing, camaraderie, pizza eating, and fun.

October 4-7, 2012  Tennessee Expedition led by Joe Henderson.  There is still time to participate, so email Joe Henderson if you wish to join.

October 6, 2012 Group ride.  Meet at the usual location at 8:00AM, leave at 8:30.  Ride leader and destination to be determined.

October 14, 2012 Columbus Day Parade on the Hill.  Per Rio Vitale, we will be the lead group in the parade.  Other motorcycle groups will be participating.  Let us try to have a great showing.  Please email Rio Vitale ( if you wish to participate.  

October 21, 2012 Time, Speed, Distance Rally  Please email Joe Henderson ( if you wish to participate.

November 3, 2012 Group Ride, weather permitting.

November bike night is cancelled due to the Presidential election.

December 4, 2012 6:30PM  The 4th Annual Gateway Ducati Owners Group Holiday Party.  We are holding it at Triumph Grill.  Please email me ( if you are attending.  

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