Friday, July 16, 2010

Monthly Message for July 2010

GDOG June 2010 Message

July has arrived in Missouri and with it the typical hot, humid weather that we have come 
to love at this time of year!

For those of you who are new to us, the group, as it is now organized, started with a 
meeting of 14 Ducatistas outside of my office in September 2009. We have a total of 48 
people signed up as members. This is a great success story as it stands, but it has only 
been for one year.  To prove to ourselves and others that we are the real deal, we need to 
continue finding new members, continue reaching out and supporting all of our area 
dealers and repair shops, continue supporting each other as we each try to improve as 
riders and people, continue to have monthly updates to the website, and continue the 
passion that is Ducati!  If we keep up the effort, greater success will occur!

A quick review of last month's activities:

On June 12, 2010- seven of us (Nicolai Bica, Fred Hecker, Andrew Quinn, Kevin 
Davidson, Vito Sicola, Rob McCallum, and Gary Kwawer) and one hanger on- Ducati 
owner wannabe (Joe Henderson) met at the QT on Tesson Ferry Road (MO21) just South 
of St. Anthony's Hospital, early and the morning and started off on a ride to Eminence, 
MO and back at 7:55AM.   We were 10 minutes behind schedule, but we managed to pull 
into the BP station in Potosi before 8:50AM to meet Russell Briggs.  After a respite of 
about 35 minutes, we headed out, with Rusty in the lead, to Eminence.  We lunched in 
Eminence, gassed up, and headed back to Potosi at 1PM.   We wound our way through 
the back roads, deciding not to proceed on a gravel road, and reached Potosi shortly 
before 3PM.   In Potosi, we split up into 3 different groups, rode at good paces along 21 
back home.   Most of us beat the rain; some were caught in the downpour.  All of us who 
started in St. Louis/St. Charles County covered a distance greater than 330 miles.  
Everyone returned safely.  It was one heck of a ride!

On June 19th, an Owners Group Barbeque was held at Motorrad St. Louis.  Vito Sicola 
led a short ride terminating at the barbeque.  The Saunders gentlemen showed us great 
hospitality and all of us attending had a great time.  The photos have already been posted 
on the website.

For July, the group ride was held on the 3rd.  Vito Sicola graciously led the ride to Bixby, 
and he was joined by 3 other riders.  We did not have a meeting this month.  On the 
15th,Chris Ryan and I met with representatives of Moto Europa, the soon to be new 
Ducati (and Triumph) dealer in St. Louis.  The representatives indicated that they are 
looking forward to opening the business and assisting us with events, promoting our club 
to Ducati owners, and fostering cooperation among all the motorcyclists in the area.  
They are looking for us to support them at their events.  Chris and I assured them that the 
Gateway Ducati Owners Group is dedicated to the Ducati enthusiast and will assist them 
with their events, provided we have prior knowledge.  The dealership is looking towards 
a middle to end of August, early September opening.  I told him when he knows, contact 
me, and we shall attend.

Upcoming events are as follows:

August 3, 2010- Monthly meeting a Nick and Elena's on Woodson Road
August 7, 2010- August Ride (time, location and destination TBA)
Mid to late August, early September- Moto Europa Grand Opening 
September 4, 2010 September Ride (time, location, destination TBA)
September 7, 2010 September Meeting- elections (location TBA)
October 2, 2010 October Ride (time, location, destination TBA)
October 5, 2010 October Meeting (location TBA)

Please remember, in most months, rides are on the first Saturday of the month with a rain 
date Saturday of the following week.  Meetings are on the first Tuesday of the month.



  1. Raymond, Vito and I had a great (though hot) ride this morning. Look forward to future rides with more club members. Perhaps a long run down 19 when weather breaks.

  2. Hi Kevin,
    can you please let me know next ride i would like to ride with you guys thanks.

